Each week a song title will be chosen as a theme. Here's where you blog it. And probably get it stuck in your head.....

22 March 2006

The Proposal

Cathy? Couldn't sleep. So she came up with a new blog idea.

Song Titles.

Each month, a theme will be chosen (my favorite proposed theme so far? Song titles that would make good names for a sex toy shop.) We will suggest themes and hope that readers or bloggers will suggest songs that fit the criteria. Each week, a song title will be proposed. Members will blog it. You don't need to address the song, just the title. Hopefully, we will also post links to the song.

If you want to join, drop me a note in the comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's a small world" is going through my head today.

1:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe... "Biggest Part of Me" by Ambrosia :)

PS: I'm a friend of kT's.

12:54 PM

Blogger Cooth said...

I just heard "Hanky Panky". And the thought process started.....

1:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched "Big" last night. Not a song, but after it's a small world, I'm running with it!

7:48 AM

Blogger kT said...

Freaking ROD STEWART is in my head singing First Cut is the Deepest -- and it's become a duet with the Sheryl Crow version and I HATE that song -- it's so true but so crappy in its sentiment. I do not want to be someone's second choice.

9:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and wouldn't you think Sheryl Crow is big enough she doesn't need Rod Stewart's sloppy seconds??

9:54 AM


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