Each week a song title will be chosen as a theme. Here's where you blog it. And probably get it stuck in your head.....

05 July 2006

Average Apathic American

Figure I'll represent the Average Apathetic American and just go with some useless factoids:
>> The average person will spend 2 weeks over their lifetime waiting for the traffic light to change. Really, only 2 weeks? Seems like so much longer.
>> More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes. So, if you hang out with asses, you may die?
>> Only 1 person in 2 billion will live to be 116 or older. Hope you have a better than average health care plan.
>> You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world. Party on!
>> It is estimated that at any one time, 0.7% of the world's population are drunk. Wish I was right now......
>> One thing that humans do more than anything in their entire life is sleep. Most Americans sleep more than 6-8 hours a day, which is on average around 24 years of ones life! Seems like a long time, but considering how crabby I get when I'm tired, it's worth it.
>> It takes about a half a gallon of water to cook macaroni, and about a gallon to clean the pot. What if you add soap while cooking?
>> During an average lifetime, a man will spend 3,350 hours removing 8.4 meters of stubble. (How much is that in feet?) Still haven't figured out the metric system.
>> The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night. Wonder how many they eat during the day?
>> Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. Vent your frustration and shed pounds.
>> The entire length of all eyelashes shed by a human in their life is over 30 m. Great, more metric system.
>> The average woman consumes 6 pounds of lipstick in her lifetime. No wonder I'm so fat.
>> If you played all of the Beatles' singles and albums that came out between 1962 and 1970 back to back, it would only last for 10 hours and 33 minutes. What a great way to spend the time, though!
>> Termites eat through wood 2 times faster when listening to rock music. Rock on!
>> 13 people are killed each year by vending machine's falling on them. Hence, the Darwin Awards.....
>> The average talker sprays about 300 microscopic saliva droplets per minute, about 2.5 droplets per word. Say it - Don't spray it!
>> The average smell weighs 760 nanograms. I'm thinking our receptionist's smell weighs more.
>> The Earth's revolution time increases .0001 seconds annually. No wonder time seems to be going by so much faster!
>> If we had the same mortality rate now as in 1900, more than half the people in the world today would not be alive. Can I pick which half?
>> The average human produces 25,000 quarts of spit in a lifetime, enough to fill two swimming pools. Good thing I swallow.
>> A can of SPAM is opened every 4 seconds. Yeah!
>> Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza everyday. Think I did that on the last trip to the Pizza Hut Buffet.
>> Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left handed people. Hmmm. Maybe it's because more products are made for righties?
>> More than 2,500 left handed people are killed every year from using right handed products.
No Comment.
>> You blink over 10,000,000 times a year. Wonder who took the time to count? Probably paid for with federal money.
>> Sneeze travels out of your mouth at over 100 miles an hour. So when I sneezed while driving to work this morning was it really traveling at 140 mph?
>> The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year. Wonder how many are wet?
>> The average person laughs 15 times a day. I believe I am way above average on this one....
>> The average person spends about 2 years on the phone in a lifetime. Think Tug and I took care of our 2 years back in the 70's.

And one final closing factoid for all the world to ponder. And hopefully correct:
>> It has been calculated that in the last 3,500 years, there have only been 230 years of peace throughout the civilized world. I think civilized is being used a bit loosely.......


Blogger Tug said...

FUN. We are SO above average.... ;-)

10:19 AM

Blogger kT said...

Have we found a civilised world yet? We should really look harder.

7:32 AM


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