Each week a song title will be chosen as a theme. Here's where you blog it. And probably get it stuck in your head.....

04 July 2006

Don't forget.

Like I said in the comments of a previous post, this song made me tear up before the latest war. Sue me. I always choke up (forEVER since I was YOUNG, which was YEARS go). I choke up while singing the national anthem, too. And yes, I sing it each & everydamn time. And get pissed when people talk, don't remove their hats, etc. etc. while it's being played. My grandson - heart squatter #1......may be a little confused, but I love it - he bows his head, puts his hand on his heart to "pray" while the national anthem plays. C.U.T.E.

As for the war? In my ohso very humble opinion, it should have happened long ago. (feel free to comment, we are FREE in this land). September 11th (of the now infamous version), I was living in Phoenix. The news was on as I got ready for work, and I saw the 2nd plane hit. AS. IT. HIT. And I saw replay after replay of it all. I took a TV into work that day; we were all in shock. And, as our office & shop were under a flight pattern for a normally BUSY airport, it was very very weird to hear the silence of the day - all planes were grounded. I called my family, one by one that night, and reminded them that I love them (those who didn't call me first). I saw armed guards as I drove over Hoover Dam to visit friends in Vegas. Do I want that for our country? No. Should we have seen planes FULL of people crash into buildings FULL of people and said "peace, I pray for you"? NO. The terrorists do NOT understand "peace", nor our version (whichever version you may have) of "prayer". In my ohso humble opinion. Just so ya' know.

Read the lyrics, take them for what you want. Me? I hope I ALWAYS tear up when I hear it. And I will ALWAYS, no matter whether "you" agree or not, support taking these terrorists down. And I pray for our servicemembers, their welfare, their families. each & every day. Sue me, it's a FREE country.


Blogger kT said...

Hey, you don't have to try to convince any of the rest of us -- for one thing, it's not likely to work, and for the other, we like you anyway.

Me? I spent September 11, the infamous one, in the University of Berkeley archives researching thesis topic v. 1.0. When you can barely afford the three-day research trip you're on, and the archives don't close, terrorism can't destroy your focus. On the upside, it did save me from the majority of the TV coverage. I don't need to see those things over and over to feel them.

But I feel differently than you do -- our perpetuation of violence "over there" isn't going to stop terrorism. I believe it may well breed more terrorist.

BELIEVE me, I know I'm in the minority about a lot of things. I know Susan disagrees with me about my pacifism; I know Cathy and I disagree on a multitude of things. I don't know how much Meg and I agree.

But the beauty of true Independence? We can disagree and still be friends. The debate that we can try to engender? Is a good thing. And it's legal and protected.

7:18 AM

Blogger Tug said...

;-) I hope you had a good kT day dressed up like Barney. (couldn't resist....I like purple!)

7:43 AM

Blogger Cooth said...

Actually, I dressed up like Barney. She wore a cute sage green tank top.

8:10 AM

Blogger Tug said...

and drank margaritas. *sigh* I'm jealous. I was in pink boxers. ALL.DAY.

1:13 PM

Blogger kT said...

Ooo. Drinking margaritas while wearing boxers? That'd be good.

I couldn't wear purple. I hated that shirt on Tuesday. I know. I'm such a girl sometimes.

7:31 AM

Blogger Tug said...

Didn't have margaritas...sad day for me. Cabernet in boxers didn't suck though! I love my boxers.

7:34 PM


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