Each week a song title will be chosen as a theme. Here's where you blog it. And probably get it stuck in your head.....

27 June 2006

The list.

So some of you know that I have a brother that was killed young. He was 19. It was hell - for all of us. A lot of times when a friend or family member leaves this earth too soon, they are made out to be a saint. For what would have been my brother's 40th birthday, I contacted each & every classmate of his I could find, and asked them to e-mail me one memory they had of him - I put these all in a booklet and gave it to my parents on his birthday. If you would have read this, you would have loved him too. Things I never knew, and I'm glad I found out. It's not just me and our family that thought he was an amazing person. The one thing his death taught my family was to ALWAYS remember to tell the ones you love, that you love them. There really may not be a tomorrow, or a second chance. It also taught me to LIVE. Enjoy life! I am lucky enough in this life to have found lifelong friends that feel the same way - some of you may have noticed this with Cooth - a friend of mine since - a LONG LONG time ago - we'll keep it at that. YEARS.

Another such friend I met while living in Phoenix. She's the one that was along for the ride when my spare tire melted to my trunk & the truck driver with green underwear had to save us. Our first time getting to know each other, it's 1000 degrees outside, and she laughed this all off - a keeper. So when she found out I was moving away, she said "What haven't you seen/done in Phoenix that you want to? We're making a list, & getting it all done before you leave". She put things on the list that I didn't even KNOW were in Phoenix or the area.... She contacted her ex husband & told him to make extra time for the daughter (he's a great dad, they're on good terms) so that she could take me through the list. She dropped her LIFE to finish my "Phoenix life" with me. If it was something the daughter could & wanted to do with us, she & a friend came along for the ride. It. was. AWESOME. We talked to a psychic medium that FLOORED ME. (On my brother's birthday) We hiked (I am SO not a hiker) South Mountain for the view.....we checked out bars with saddles for barstools & NUMMY burgers, nummy men....we took road trips, went to the renaissance Festival (my 1st!) and ate bigass turkey legs with our hands....we laughed. And laughed. And cried, and laughed some more. She's been to Idaho to see me & found my massage therapist there that I saw until I moved. She's been to Colorado a couple times to see me and we explore this state. We even gave some young kid a "spankie sandwich" (it's a DANCE people) for his 21st birthday - he asked for another! Said it was his best birthday present EVER. I've been back to Phoenix to see her & the daughter, & will be going there this year for my birthday. SHE helped me re-learn the true meaning of Seize the Day. She GETS. IT. For reasons I will not go into respecting her privacy. But she gets it. So everyone, get out your #2 pencils, a piece of paper, & start your list. Don't wait until you move to do it - do it all. Do it now. Enjoy life! Because yes, it can be very short.

And the name Butterfly? LOVE it. She's a free spirit (I do not know her personally...her bio said so).....she's got to be awesome! Another 1st for me, brought to me by kT. It's been a fun month, thanks.


Blogger Cooth said...

Love you too, Tug! :o)

In fact, I was just commenting to Kt on our way to the fair how much I was enjoying having you in our blogging group. I know that we will always be friends, but this just makes me feel so much closer. If we only had a bottle of Boone's farm and an 8-track player......

And we talked about Kev, too. hmmmmm....

2:17 PM

Blogger Blog said...

I'm sorry to hear you lost your brother at such a young age. I lost two friends too soon--one was 28 and one 33. There families will never be the same. Your gift to your parents is so beautiful--I can't think of a better gift you could have given them. And, good for you for Seizing the Day, and enjoying life. :) Love the list idea!

6:22 PM

Blogger Tug said...

I've passed it on to my daughter, too, Haley - got your pencil sharpened??

And Cooth - if we had the emoticons on here, I'd blow you a kiss. Since we don't - just consider yourself blown. ;-0

7:01 PM

Blogger Tug said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:01 PM

Blogger Tug said...

my comment posted twice ratbastard....didn't know if Cooth could handle being blown twice so close together so I deleted...erase erase erase

7:03 PM

Blogger kT said...

Now you're BLOWING on the blog? This is not that kind of blog, "ladies."

But see, Tug, your brother is still around -- for someone like me who wasn't even born when he died. Because you and Cooth are talking about him here.

1:54 PM

Blogger Tug said...

yes, he's with us every day. I've got AWESOME guardian angels.

and I'll try to control my blows.....TRY. ;-)

11:49 AM


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