Each week a song title will be chosen as a theme. Here's where you blog it. And probably get it stuck in your head.....

16 June 2006


Did someone say Belle and Sebastian? Because seriously? They're the rockinist of the UK rockers. I didn't even know other people on this side of the pond listened to B&S!!

As for Fuck This Shit? I can relate. I've been suffering from Oh Shit for quite some time now and have finally moved on to Fuck this Shit. I buried the beater for my first ever new car. I'm killing the water bed. I'm trimming the cats ass regardless of the bodily harm done to me because I'm really sick and tired of finding dingleberries all over my house.

So basically? If you have a problem with me finally asserting myself and taking control?


Blogger Tug said...

i LIKE it!

12:22 PM


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