Each week a song title will be chosen as a theme. Here's where you blog it. And probably get it stuck in your head.....

10 July 2006

I wanna talk about me

Isn’t that, in general, what blogging is all about?

I tried, a few weeks back, to do one of those 100 Things that so many people have on their blogs. It’s harder than it looks. I guess I learned that I blog to get to know myself better (and because it’s a little more fun to rant and rave and ponder and muse in a public forum than in my nice little spiral notebooks) rather than to let other people get to know me well. But it turns out, I don't want to talk about me.

For all the yakking I do online, a lot of what goes on in my head is reserved for conversations, letters, and emails with people close to me. I don’t make friends easily, but when I do find someone with whom I can have a real conversation, I am loathe to let that person disappear from my life. I don't want to talk about me, I want to talk out the random and somewhat annoying thoughts that plague me.

Have you ever noticed that one of the hardest things to do is describe yourself? I totally suck at it. No matter what you say, you sound like a wanker. I tried it (describing myself) in my brief foray into online dating. I don’t think the attempt (the dating or the profile) was particularly good.

So, I’ll tell you about me. What do you want to know?

Questions Added Below

What's your favorite color?
I have two at the moment: lavender and crayola green.

If you had to have dinner with a current A list star, who would it be?
Hmmm. Where is the A list? Because I honestly don't know who is on it right now. I'd have a damn good time with Rupert Everett, but I doubt he's "A" list right now.

Do you support Hillary Clinton?
Support her for what? I am glad she is in our Senate. I think she is well-educated, intelligent, thoughtful, and a career politician. The latter means I don't necessarily trust her. Do I support her run for President in 2008? No. I don't think she has the personality or charisma or public speaking ability to win the popular vote. Not that that apparently matters anymore.

I thought her speech last year on the polarizing abortion debate was excellent and the response was telling. I would like to know how we came to a point in the United States where, whenever a politician (again, I understand, they aren't to be trusted) asks people to look at the grey areas -- the common ground that those opposed to and in support of an issue actually share, the points from which conversations could begin -- he or she is lambasted by both the right and the left as being wishy-washy. Since when did good discussion or actual debate -- when TWO or more sides of an issue can be heard -- become something to mock or run from?

(Side note: another EXCELLENT speech calling for a re-examination of what we have in common and where we stand was Barack Obama's speech on religion.)

What is your life fear?
That I will fail to make my life extraordinary. That when I die, I will discover that I have not lived. And unlike Thoreau, I don't think I need to go out into the woods to find marrow.

And one more thing about me. "Wanna" annoys the grammar professor inside me to all ends of the earth.


Blogger Meg said...

What's your favorite color?

If you had to have dinner with a current A list star, who would it be?

Do you support Hillary Clinton?

Okay, you can ignore the last one.

7:44 PM

Blogger Tug said...

What is your life fear?

7:55 PM


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