Each week a song title will be chosen as a theme. Here's where you blog it. And probably get it stuck in your head.....

13 September 2006

The Tao of Big Bird

Did you know that Sesame Street was a Taoist plot to brainwash America's youth? Or, at least, it could have been if, say, Taoism led one to want to take over the world. Which, really, as I read it, it doesn't.

Seeking to find that place, Sesame Street, drives the clouds away. Not that clouds are bad (no judgments!), it is just that the light offers clarity. Clarity is key to a seeker of the Tao. Clarity is seeking the truth in this moment, knowing that the only eternal is change because, well before Einstein, the Chinese philosophers knew that all things were related. We are but one part of a larger web, and we are connected to all.

Within that, with that understanding, maybe we can seek and find those moments of harmony where truth is a partner and there are no illusions.

And Maria and Gordon will be there to sing along.


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