Each week a song title will be chosen as a theme. Here's where you blog it. And probably get it stuck in your head.....

10 April 2006

i am NOT a pedophile!!!

Since this is the song from "my" day, & my day SUCKED back then (past lives are hell) (but my BEAUTIFUL daughter came of it, so it's all good) I'm going with the song. I, too, had to look up the lyrics. And ya' know what? Who knew I'd had a Sharona! I had a Sharona once. or twice. BUT THEY WERE LEGAL. SO not pedophile-ish. Young enough to not having to worry about "is it going to get serious"? "Do I look good?" All the shit we worry about (ALL of us Susan) with REAL potentials.....I knew going into these that they were just for funsies. And if daughter K EVER found out (shush!) she'd stroke out. Have a true come-apart. But OMG & holySHIT batgirl were they ever fun! and they were hot. and it was a MAJOR stroke for my Grandma ego. I still keep in touch with them via e-mail (they're BOTH in TX now - "all my exes live in Texas" - sing it with me now). Fun memories......I need to find another Sharona.


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