Each week a song title will be chosen as a theme. Here's where you blog it. And probably get it stuck in your head.....

29 June 2006

internet bizarro world

I got dragged into blogging and then discovered that I liked having an outlet for the constant and random writing I've done my entire life. This blog was Cooth's brainchild, but I've been happily playing in the sandbox with everyone else. I like it here. It's different and a bit weird, but in a good way.

And then there's this week's theme. I read the life is short posts by my comrades at the jukebox, and for once? I feel the age gap. I totally get where Meg is coming from. I'm there. But then, we're the same age. I can relate to Cooth and Tug's posts, but differently.

My mother insists that it is never too late to do something -- well, not until you're dead. I've been planning a trip to Spain for this fall. I figured, life is short. I keep waiting for people to want to travel with me and things keep falling through. I have a secret savings account (secret from me in that it's at a different financial institution than my checking account and money is automatically deposited there) like magic, I now have enough money to travel. If I do it carefully, that is. So I decided to go. My mother may come with me. I know that sounds weird, but I don't like nightclubs and that's about the only thing she'd not be interested in doing. We've traveled together before and had a great time.

So I guess my point is that when you start taking the reigns, things start falling into place. And age is just a number. Having friends who aren't my age helps me gain perspective -- I am coming to grips with the fact that there isn't a magical age at which I will have figured it out. I may never figure it out. Or maybe I will learn all about it in Spain. One can always have hope.

One of my all-time favorite movies (queue the cheese!) is Dead Poets' Society -- Robin Williams whisper-croaking Carpe! Carpe Diem! Seize the day, boys, seize the day has been stuck in my head forever. There is a point in the cheese fest, and it's not just those little toothpicks they stick in the cubes.


Funny thing, Tug, but this song comes off one of my favorite albums, that I discovered in a totally appropriate, life is short, seize the day way. I love Sarah McLachlan. A few years back, she came in concert to The Cities -- 8 hours of driving each way, but it happened to be on a 3-day weekend. So I went. The tickets were a gift and a great time was had by all -- Sarah is an excellent concert. But Butterfly Boucher was the opening act. She was AMAZING. Worth the ticket price even without the main act. She's, well, just off the charts fun and witty and lyrical. After having technical difficulties with her instrument shorting out, she said something like "eh, I guess you're not going to hear the rest of this song. Buy an album!"

I did. And did not regret it.


Blogger Tug said...

Some of the best things come to you when you're not expecting them - in your case, the opening act of Butterfly. And you have shared, so that I can be entertained also.

As for Spain? If you can enjoy with Mom, there isn't one thing wrong with it - K & I could do it. HAVE FUN, Good Morning Viet Nam TO YOU! wait. wrong movie... (Love Garp also!!)

7:59 PM


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