Each week a song title will be chosen as a theme. Here's where you blog it. And probably get it stuck in your head.....

26 July 2006

OK, I'll start.

As I've said before, I'm pretty virginal lately. NOT by choice. It sucks really...unless, of course, I look at my past & the men I've been with. Looking at it THAT way, I should cheer - whoo whoooot!! I'm SINGLE!! NO SHIT-THAT-COMES-WITH-MEN!!! NO SEX!! Wait. Stop. No sex?? I love sex, I love intimancy (??)...I. LOVE. HUGS. Hugs make me feel safe. Life will be OK if I get a hug that tells me it's so. no.matter.what.

My last boyfriend was all right. We still talk. I just decided it wasn't going to work because 1.) I didn't want to be his mother. 2.) I didn't want to be his therapist. 3.) His porn collection beat any porn store's. ANYWHERE. (Some is fine, but really - trust me on this) 4.) HE.WAS.A.PIG. Had something against showering every day (which I found out after the "newness" wore off), and OMG - his house. (long distance, so this took time to find out) Truly, I should have taken pictures. But when I get lonely (not often, but it happens), & start wondering if you CAN, TRULY, become a VIRGIN ALL OVER AGAIN.......I think of him. And after I think about the S_X (you know, the stuff that makes you a NON-virgin).....I realize one of my best memories of him was standing in line at a cafe....late Saturday morning....I was leaning back into him, he had his arms on my shoulders, leaning into me, his head leaning on mine. Not saying a word - either of us. Comfort. Totally. THAT'S what I've come to miss the most. Batteries & all the toys in the world won't give you that..........


Blogger kT said...

But at least you don't have to bathe the toys. Well, you have to wash them, but they don't stink on their own.

I know what you mean about not wanting to play mom or therapist. You have a child. If I wanted one, I could have one. And therapists get PAID. (of course, so do prostitutes). I don't know where I'm going with any of that.

You give it a go. You see what comes of it. When it doesn't work out, it's really best if you move on. Or that's what I've learned so far.

2:20 PM

Blogger Tug said...

True story, because it gets to the point where the comfort isn't there anymore then. And your toy bathing & prostitute comments cracked me up!!

2:33 PM


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